- What if I miss a week
If you need to miss a week, just pick up from where you left off in the course. It's best if you stay on schedule but sometimes conflicts arise.
- Can I give my contact information to other participants?
Yes! We encourage you to be in touch with other participants. MBTSR maintains a strong privacy policy. However, you are free to share your personal contact information with others.
- What if I forget my password?
- Can I use my passcode on more than one device?
Yes, you may use the passcode to activate the course on one desktop computer and on one tablet device that you own.
- Is my identity confidential?
MBTSR maintains a strong
privacy policy. Your identity will be revealed to no one without your consent.
- Can I take the course more than one time?
Yes, after paying for the course you may take the course an additional two times at no extra charge.
- Can I complete more than one weekly lesson per week?
Afraid not. The course is designed to be completed in 8-weeks and you will not be able to complete more than one weekly class per week. However, your Home Practice assignments and mindful meditation exercises are to be completed on the six days between each class.
- What if I miss a day or more of the Home Practice mindfulness meditation exercises?
Do your best not to miss daily assignments but if you must, just pick up where you left off as soon as you are able.
- Can I continue to use other tinnitus devices and treatments I may be receiving from other providers during the 8-week course?
Yes, absolutely. There is no reason to discontinue using devices or treatments that are helpful to you. MBTSR was designed to compliment all other management tools.
- Why do I complete assessments before and after the 8-week course?
These assessment questionnaires are important for following your progress in the course. The results of these measures will be used to further our understanding of tinnitus and treatments that work. Your name and contact information will in no way be linked to your answers. The results may be used in future publications. Assessments are strictly confidential.
- If I have a question, whom I do contact?
With additional questions or concerns, please feel free to
Contact Us here.
- If my emotions feel overwhelming and I need help, what should I do?
If you feel overwhelmed by your emotions and are struggling with suicidal thoughts you can always call (800) 273-8255, the National Suicide Hotline, or go to your nearest Emergency Room.
- Who do I contact if I'm having technical difficulties with the site?
- How long do I have to complete the 8 weekly lessons?
We strongly urge you to complete the course in 8 weeks, as designed. However, if conflicts arise, we encourage you to pick up where you left off as soon as is possible and complete the remaining weeks.
- If I want to give feedback on my experience taking this course, where can I do that?
We always appreciate feedback about your experiences and the MBTSR course. To contribute your comments, or if you would like to write a testimonial, please send us an email using our
Contact Form.
- Is it okay to give advice to others or promote products on the MBTSR Discussion Boards?
MBTSR is a skill-building course. It is not an opportunity to give advice to others. We require that you speak from your own personal present experience and refrain from judging others' experience or fall into the trap of advice giving.
- How do I get my money back for the course if I am not completely satisfied?
Please contact Dr. Jennifer Gans using our
Contact Form.
- If I want to recommend this course to other people or professionals how do you suggest I do this?
If you have found relief from bothersome tinnitus after taking the MBTSR course, we appreciate your spreading the word. To recommend the course simply direct other people or professionals to our online course site: MindfulTinnitusRelief.com
- Can I complete this course with a friend, family members, or partner/spouse?
Yes, we encourage you to go through the weekly classes alone, together, and as a group. Having others to share the experience and share learnings can enrich your experience.